
This page contains a reference to all chart objects that can be used within the library.

They inherit from AbstractChart.

class Chart(width: int, height: int, x: int, y: int, title: str, screen: int, on_top: bool, maximize: bool, debug: bool, toolbox: bool, inner_width: float, inner_height: float, scale_candles_only: bool)

The main object used for the normal functionality of lightweight-charts-python, built on the pywebview library.

The screen parameter defines which monitor the chart window will open on, given as an index (primary monitor = 0).


The Chart object should be defined within an if __name__ == '__main__' block.

show(block: bool)

Shows the chart window, blocking until the chart has loaded. If block is enabled, the method will block code execution until the window is closed.


Hides the chart window, which can be later shown by calling


Exits and destroys the chart window.

async show_async()

Show the chart asynchronously.

screenshot(block: bool) bytes

Takes a screenshot of the chart, and returns a bytes object containing the image. For example:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    chart = Chart()
    df = pd.read_csv('ohlcv.csv')
    img = chart.screenshot()
    with open('screenshot.png', 'wb') as f:


This method should be called after the chart window has loaded.

class QtChart(widget: QWidget)

The QtChart object allows the use of charts within a QMainWindow object, and has similar functionality to the Chart object for manipulating data, configuring and styling.

Either the PyQt5, PyQt6 or PySide6 libraries will work with this chart.

Callbacks can be received through the Qt event loop.

get_webview() QWebEngineView

Returns the QWebEngineView object.

class WxChart(parent: WxPanel)

The WxChart object allows the use of charts within a wx.Frame object, and has similar functionality to the Chart object for manipulating data, configuring and styling.

Callbacks can be received through the Wx event loop.

get_webview() wx.html2.WebView

Returns a wx.html2.WebView object which can be used to for positioning and styling within wxPython.

class StreamlitChart

The StreamlitChart object allows the use of charts within a Streamlit app, and has similar functionality to the Chart object for manipulating data, configuring and styling.

This object only supports the displaying of static data, and should not be used with the update_from_tick or update methods. Every call to the chart object must occur before calling load.


Loads the chart into the Streamlit app. This should be called after setting, styling, and configuring the chart, as no further calls to the StreamlitChart will be acknowledged.

class JupyterChart

The JupyterChart object allows the use of charts within a notebook, and has similar functionality to the Chart object for manipulating data, configuring and styling.

This object only supports the displaying of static data, and should not be used with the update_from_tick or update methods. Every call to the chart object must occur before calling load.


Renders the chart. This should be called after setting, styling, and configuring the chart, as no further calls to the JupyterChart will be acknowledged.